Enter Billy Bubble Gum
Billy bubble gum is simply made by printing out a large picture of a child's face and pasting it onto a foam board. Then cutting a hole where the mouth is and threading a balloon through the opening. Billy Bubble gum essentially worked as a song meter in singing time today. BEFORE Primary began I taped music notes under one chair in each row (one music note chair per class). When we started singing time I explained to the kids that because I was a new teacher I needed to get to know each of them better, and one of the best ways to get to know someone is through the music they like. I had the kids
SR Primary, I learned today, is not so easily entertained. During sharing time, which precedes singing time in our ward, it became very clear to me that these guys were not going to be so easily impressed with Billy Bubblegum, so to change it up a bit and gear it more toward them I had one person from each class with the music note choose their favorite song, another reverent child actually be Billy Bubble Gum and serve as the song meter, and if I thought they had done a good job at the end of the song I would hand a push pin to another reverent child and let them pop the balloon. It went all right.
Overall, I was pretty pleased with the afternoon. The forty minutes of singing time still felt like an awful long time to me, but I know it will get better. And I know what I am doing is important. It made the entire afternoon worth it when I walked by the Bishop's office where a family was waiting for an interview and I heard one little boy say to his mom, "See that is the lady with Billy Bubble Gum." I guess I will be making an impact in these little lives, it just might take me balloons and a big smile to do it.
One Sunday down...a whole lot more to go.
hey I am new at this too!! I found your blog off of another singing time blog.. I'll be watchin ya!!! thanks if I have Ideas I will share them with you too!! glad to know I am not alone in feeling a little out of my element!!
Thank you for this! I just got the calling and am frantically searching for great ideas! I'll be looking forward to all of your creative singing times!
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